Grant Opportunities 2025
Another Look 2025
Now Open!
Another Look 2025 provides funding for health related research projects that can improve the quality of care and the quality of life for adults who are 65 years or older and who are long term residents living in nursing homes, assisted living, and other congregate care facilities.
This program requires researchers to rely on existing datasets to address the research question they seek to answer. Limited collection of new data is allowed in this program if it will enhance the utility of the project outcomes to improve quality in care facilities. Learn more.
Greater Value Portfolio 2025
Now Open!
The Donaghue Foundation announces its 2025 Greater Value Portfolio grant program that will fund research projects for two years with a maximum amount of $500,000 per award (plus a 10% indirect cost rate) to advance promising approaches to achieve a higher-value healthcare system.
The goal of this program is to test approaches and tools that organizations can readily use to improve the value of the healthcare they provide to patients and communities. Learn More
R3 2025
Now Open!
The R3 program is only open to current and past Donaghue grantees.
The goal of the R3 grant program is to help researchers better prepare their health interventions for adoption and use in real-world settings. The R3 funds will enable the grantees to access experts in areas relevant to scaling, spread, and implementation. The R3 grant program is not intended to fund new research. Research can be a small aspect of the overall project; however, projects must be largely focused on scaling, spread, and implementation of their health interventions.
R3 was developed to help promote knowledge created from research so that it will improve health. In creating this program, we recognize that expertise from disciplines outside those traditionally eligible for research funding is needed for scaling, dissemination, and sustainability of evidence-based programs and practices. It is the Foundation’s goal to provide researchers with financial support to access those experts, thus better positioning the health interventions to grow and be sustained following the completion of the research phase.
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Current and past grantees are welcome to apply to receive the R3 award regardless of the year of the previously awarded grant. If you are interested in applying to the R3 program please email for additional information.