Mission, Vision and Guiding Principles

The Foundation supports a diverse portfolio of research projects, from understanding the mechanisms of disease, to improving clinical treatments, to public health initiatives that prevent illness—all founded on excellent science.
Vision Statement:
We envision continual improvement in people’s health as a result of research being converted into practical benefit.
Mission Statement:
The Donaghue Foundation supports rigorous health research that leads to realized health benefits and thereby gives the vision of Ethel Donaghue its best expression.
Donaghue strives to adhere to these Guiding Principles:
Practical benefit
The founder, Ethel Donaghue, directed that the funds support research that provides knowledge of practical benefit to improve health. We interpret this to mean that Donaghue-funded research studies should have the near-term potential to be adopted and implemented by policy-makers, practitioners and the public to improve health.
Optimizing the capacity of research in a way that addresses the needs of policy makers, practitioners and the public requires more than simply providing financial resources. Therefore, we commit to continuous learning and actively working with others both internal and external to the research enterprise whose work connects with ours.
To assure that research can meaningfully contribute to the achievement of optimal health for all, Donaghue will identify and welcome people from under-represented groups to engage as advisers and grantees and to incorporate the health concerns of diverse communities into grant portfolios. Donaghue will assess on an ongoing basis elements of grant programs that may unintentionally exacerbate health inequality.
The integrity of grant-awarding programs is an essential responsibility for Donaghue as a research funder. Applicants, grantees, advisers and other colleagues must be assured that the selection, evaluation and oversight are equitable, based on expertise, transparent, accessible, and efficient.
Donaghue will explore new ideas and be willing to test them for the purpose of advancing the Foundation’s mission.