R3 2024

Now Open!
The goal of the R3 grant program is to help researchers better prepare their health interventions for adoption and use in real-world settings. The R3 funds will enable the grantees to access experts in areas relevant to scaling, spread, and implementation. The R3 grant program is not intended to fund new research. Research can be a small aspect of the overall project; however, projects must be largely focused on scaling, spreading, and implementing health interventions.
R3 was developed to help promote knowledge created from research so that it will improve health. In creating this program, we recognize that expertise from disciplines outside those traditionally eligible for research funding is needed for scaling, dissemination, and sustainability of evidence-based programs and practices. It is the Foundation’s goal to provide researchers with financial support to access those experts, thus better positioning the health interventions to grow and be sustained following the completion of the research phase.
The grants awarded for this program are $80,000 (plus 10% indirect). The grant term for the award is 18 months.
Who may apply
The R3 program is only open to current and past Donaghue grantees. To receive the R3 award, the applicant must demonstrate how previous Donaghue funding has directly led to the intervention or evidence-based practice or program for which the grant monies will be used. R3 grantees may use this award to augment funding for a project already funded by another grant.
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Current and past grantees are welcome to apply to receive the R3 award regardless of the year of the previously awarded grant. There is no standing review committee for the R3 grant program. All external reviewers are chosen based on their expertise and experience relative to each application independently. If you are interested in applying for the R3 grant program, please email r3@donaghue.org to request additional information.
Mary Tinetti, MD
Professor, Yale University
“Scaling Patient Priorities Care through User-Friendly Training”
Thomas H. Gallagher, MD, MACP
Professor and Associate Chair, Department of Medicine, University of Washington
“Expanding CRPs for Senior Living Communities”
Lara Dhingra, PhD
Director of Health Disparities and Outcomes Research, MJHS Institute for Innovation in Palliative Care
“Creating a Web-Based Quality-Improvement Tool to Help Nursing Homes Identify Facility-Specific Pressure-Injury Risks”
Sarah K. Edmond, MPP
EVP and COO, Institute of Clinical and Economic Review (ICER)
“Strengthening the Patient Voice in ICER Research”
Nadine Jackson McCleary MD, MPH
Medical Director, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Patient Reported Data Program
“Implementing Proactive Symptom Management for Oral Cancer (IPSO)”
Bryan E. Dowd, PhD and Tim McDonald, MPP
Professor, Division of General Internal Medicine
University of Minnesota
“Developing and Disseminating an Informed Consumer Choice Model for Health System Transformation”
Kathrene Valentine, MS, PhD
Instructor, Division of General Internal Medicine
Massachusetts General Hospital
“Engaging Patients Through Community Outreach”
David Meltzer, MD, PhD
Chief, Section of Hospital Medicine
Director, Center for Health and Social Sciences
University of Chicago
“The Institute for Comprehensive Care: A Not-for-Profit to Disseminate and Develop the Comprehensive Care Physician (CCP) Model”
Amber E. Barnato, MD, MPH
Professor, The Dartmouth Institute
Dartmouth College
“Narrative Engagement to Motivate Advance Care Planning”
Ateev Mehrotra, MD, MPH
Associate Professor of Health Care Policy
Harvard Medical School
“Helping States Help Patients Find Price Data”
Patricia Folcarelli, RN, PhD
Senior Director, Patient Safety
Silverman Institute for Health Care Quality and Safety
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
“Understanding Preventable Harm”
R3 2nd Opportunity Award
Becca Levy, PhD
Professor of Epidemiology and Psychology
Yale School of Public Health
“Creating the Community Health Empowerment Site”
Joann P. Reinhardt , PhD
Director of Research
The New Jewish Home Research Institute on Aging
“Sustainable Practice Change for Improved Nursing Home Care”
Simon Mahler, MD
Associate Professor, Emergency Medicine
Wake Forest University
“The HEART Pathway: Local Implementation to Broad Dissemination”
Leslie Curry, PhD
Senior Research Scientist in Public Health
Yale School of Public Health
“Translating ‘Leadership Saves Lives’ for Greater Impact”
R3 2nd Opportunity Award
Leslie Curry, PhD, MPH
Yale University School of Medicine
“Translating Leadership Saves Lives for Greater Impact”
Patricia Folcarelli RN, PhD
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
“Understanding Preventable Harm”
William Zempsky, MD
Connecticut Children’s Medical Center
“SEED – Greater Understanding of Sickle Cell Disease”
R3 2nd Opportunity Award
Nancy Berlinger, PhD
The Hastings Center
“Reaching Non-Self-Identifiers in End-of-Life Care: Resolving uncertainty and improving practice among hospital clinicians across teams and shifts”
R3 2nd Opportunity Award
John Cahill, MBBS and Vinod Srihari, MD
Yale University
“Stepping Out: A web and outcomes-based model for early psychosis care”
Judith Fifield, PhD
University of Connecticut Health Center
“Enhancing the Dissemination of SisterTalk”
R3 2nd Opportunity Award
Sharon Inouye, MD
Hebrew SeniorLife
“Help 2.0 Relevant, Ready and Reachable”
R3 2nd Opportunity Award
Arietta Slade, PhD
Yale University School of Medicine
“Minding the Baby®: From Research to Service Expansion”
R3 2nd Opportunity Award
Anne Camp, MD
Fair Haven Community Health Center
“Replicating a Healthy Lifestyle Program in FQHCs”
Robert Kerns, PhD
Yale School of Medicine
“Pain Care Quality Improvement/Research Marketplace”
Martha Page, MPH
Ann M. Ferris, PhD
Hartford Food System, Inc.
“Healthy Food Marketing in Hartford Grocery Stores”
Anne Thorndike, MD
Massachusetts General Hospital
“Scaling and Implementation of a Worksite Healthy Eating Program”
William Zempsky, MD
Connecticut Children’s Medical Center
“SEED – Greater Understanding of Sickle Cell Disease”
Nancy Berlinger, PhD
The Hastings Center
“Reaching Non-Self-Identifiers: Marketing The Hastings Guidelines to Health Care Professionals Outside End-of-Life Networks”
Michelle Cloutier, MD
Connecticut Children’s Medical Center
“Payer-Based Provider Portals to Accelerate Adoption and Dissemination of Easy Breathing™”
Judith Fifield, PhD
University of Connecticut Health Center
“Translating a regionally developed and academically supported health promotion program for dissemination in new regions and in collaboration with a non-profit health plan.”
Sharon Inouye, MD
Hebrew SeniorLife
“HELP 2.0-Relevant, Ready and Reachable”
Linda Mayes, MD & Lois Sadler, PhD
Yale University
“Minding the Baby®”
Diane Meier, MD
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
“IT Enhancement/Integration for the National Palliative Care Registry™ – Data Drives Access to Quality Palliative Care”