The Collective to Strengthen Pathways for Health Research – a joint effort of Doris Duke Foundation, the American Cancer Society, American Heart Association, Burroughs Wellcome Fund, Dana Foundation, The Donaghue Foundation, the Robertson Foundation, and Susan G. Komen -- seeks to improve prevention and care, and invites the research community to help define an actionable blueprint for progress.

Preventing and Improving Clinical Encounters: Sparking National Discussion to Strengthen Health Research

In the United States, despite incredible advancements in biomedical technology, health outcomes continue to fall short of expectations. Gene editing, molecular disease markers, and innovative cancer treatments have reshaped our understanding of human illnesses, but preventable deaths and health disparities persist. Why? Experts believe that a significant part of the problem lies in how we prioritize and apply health research, particularly when it comes to improving clinical encounters and preventing disease.

To address this challenge, the Doris Duke Foundation is leading the Collective to Strengthen Pathways for Health Research, an initiative aimed at sparking a national conversation on how to better prevent disease and improve clinical care. The Collective believes that while current research goals exist, they are not adequately supported by the necessary funding, incentives, or policy frameworks. This gap hinders the ability to scale innovative solutions that could save lives and improve health outcomes.

The Collective will host a series of symposia across the country in Spring 2025, bringing together key stakeholders—researchers, policymakers, industry leaders, and community organizations—to create actionable pathways for change. These discussions will focus on reshaping research priorities, developing new funding models, and connecting research innovations to clinical practice in meaningful ways. Key areas such as maternal health, care for vulnerable populations, and consistent delivery of standard care are just a few of the many topics that will be addressed.

By forging new connections between societal health priorities, research ideas, and commercial interests, the symposia aim to generate a blueprint for reimagining how the U.S. invests in health research. The ultimate goal is to stimulate national progress toward equitable health outcomes, driven by cross-sector collaboration and supported by policies and investments that truly prioritize health improvements.

The Collective invites all organizations and individuals with a stake in health innovation to participate. The future of health research depends on our collective ability to galvanize support for innovation that prevents disease and improves health outcomes during clinical encounters. For more information or to get involved, contact Kevin Sia ( at the Doris Duke Foundation. Let’s reimagine the future of health together.

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