Connecticut Healthcare Survey
Connecticut-based health foundations came together several years ago to discuss the need for more data so that Connecticut could better track its progress on improving the health of its residents.
There was also strong interest in learning more about the perspectives of the Connecticut healthcare consumer on their health and how they interact with the healthcare system, especially those of different racial and ethnic groups. Ultimately, six Connecticut health foundations decided to collaborate on the creation and funding of this survey. Aetna Foundation; Connecticut Health Foundation; The Patrick and Catherine Weldon Donaghue Medical Research Foundation; Foundation for Community Health; Universal Health Care Foundation of Connecticut, Inc.; and Children’s Fund of Connecticut.
An executive summary of the survey and three policy briefs on health equity, access to healthcare, and children’s health have been written.
To read more about the origin of this successful collaboration, see “Solving the Connecticut Data Deficit through Collaboration” in the Views from the Field: Grantmakers in Health (17 Dec. 2012).