Trustees Letter

Lynne Garner, PhD, President and Trustee and Amy R. Lynch, JD, U.S. Trust, Bank of America, Trustee
Dear Friends,
The start of fall always seems like a time for change. With this issue of Practically Speaking, we’ll be changing the way we distribute our newsletter of Donaghue’s grantmaking and knowledge uptake activities.
In the past, we’ve mailed Practically Speaking and had pdf versions archived on our website. From time to time we’ve considered whether to change to an e-newsletter version. Most newsletters are sent electronically, and it makes it easier for readers to share items and links that they find interesting in the articles. The concern over sending Practically Speaking electronically is that people are inundated with emails, and an email version may get lost in our readers’ inboxes. One advantage of using a full-color, over-sized format in a printed edition is that it’s hard to miss in your mailbox.

With this our 43rd issue, we feel it’s time to ask our readers to express which way they prefer to receive the newsletter — email or print. So with this issue we’ll still mail out the newsletter as before, but we’ll also email a copy to everyone who has given us an email address. Perhaps not all the content of the printed version will be in the emailed version, but the main articles will be. We hope that you’ll let us know what your preference is, and in the future you’ll only receive that format.
This certainly isn’t the first time that we’ve changed the look of Practically Speaking. When it first was published in 1998, it was a three-color, eight inch by eleven inch publication. The design was modified somewhat in 2001. We went to the full-color, large format in 2008, and in 2012 we brightened the color palette used throughout. How many of these versions have you received?
We do hope you’ll let us know if you want to continue having us mail you a printed copy of this newsletter or if you prefer to only get the emailed one. There will be a link in the emailed newsletter that will be sent out in early October, or you can simply email Lynne at
Thanks for reading! And we look forward to hearing from you.

Amy R. Lynch, JD
U.S. Trust, Bank of America, Trustee

Lynne Garner, PhD
President and Trustee