R3 Grant Opportunities

In the second half of this year, Donaghue will re-open its R3 – Making Research Relevant & Ready grant program for current and former Donaghue grantees. Application instructions and due dates will be available on the Foundation’s website, donaghue.org, on September 1. The R3 award is for up to 18 months and for $55,000.
R3 recognizes that expertise from disciplines outside those traditionally eligible for research funding is needed for scaling, dissemination, and sustainability of evidence-based programs and practices. It is our goal to provide researchers with financial support to access those experts, thus better positioning the health interventions to grow and be sustained following the completion of the research phase. The outcomes of R3 projects should result in the grantees and their teams gaining insight or tools that will make their research-based intervention, program, or practice more sustainable and replicable, and therefore more likely to have a positive health impact.
Although grantees may choose their own consultants to partner with, Donaghue has been working with businesses that provide communication expertise, strategic and business planning, product refinement and packaging consultation, as well as others, to assist Donaghue grantees in developing their R3 applications.
Donaghue has already provided 13 R3 awards to former Donaghue grantees. A short video of three R3 awardees and their consultants discussing the work done with their grant is available at donaghue.org/grant-programs/grant-opportunities.