Dissemination Accounts Available for Donaghue Awards

One of Donaghue’s guiding principles is to support its funded research in a way that facilitates its near-term potential to be adopted and implemented by policy-makers, practitioners and the public to improve health.
Toward that end, the Foundation has a Dissemination Account program to be used by our awardees to promote the uptake of Donaghue-funded research. Dissemination Account funds are to be used for activities that support researchers’ efforts to interact with various stakeholders, such as health system leaders, practitioners, policymakers, communities and patients, so their research may generate greater support for using evidence to improve health. The funds are only permitted to be used for activities not ordinarily covered by awarded grant money — for example, publications in academic journals or presentations at professional or academic conferences would not generally be considered eligible for coverage through the Dissemination Account.
This Dissemination Account will provide up to $5,000 for digital or printed communication and supportive materials, training (e.g. media, public speaking, data visualization), expenses related to convening and meeting with stakeholders to discuss your research, or other activities proposed by the grantee.
Requests for funds from this account may be made during the grant period and up to one year following the completion of the award. You may access this account more than once for a cumulative maximum amount of $5,000. Prior approval is required for expenses that you wish to have covered by this account. Once approved, Donaghue will reimburse you upon receiving a copy of invoices or receipts for expenses.
It’s easy to request approval for these funds. The request form can be accessed in the For Grantees section on the Donaghue website and is only one page. We usually provide an answer to each request within one week. If you have questions, please contact Shamira Chappell, Program Coordinator (chappell@donaghue.org).
We look forward to hearing how you intend to use these funds!