Trustees Letter

As you will read in our article about climate change, this issue of Practically Speaking will be our last printed newsletter. Going forward we will only be distributing Practically Speaking as an e-newsletter. We’ve made that decision to support the Foundation’s effort to reduce its use of resources and to become a more sustainable organization.
Our e-newsletter will still contain many of the features that we had in the past, and we hope if you don’t already receive the emailed version you will send us your email address so we can add it to our list.
The Practically Speaking newsletter was started back in 1998 by Ray Andrews, Donaghue’s first individual trustee. Since that time, we’ve published 53 newsletters. Its title, which we still love, was created by Ray and reflects the Foundation’s core mission of funding research that will have of practical benefit to improve health.
As you can see, Practically Speaking’s styles have changed over the years. However, our effort to inform you of the work of the Foundation has stayed constant. We look forward to continuing to connect with you via your email inbox.

Amy R. Lynch, JD
U.S. Trust, Bank of America, Trustee

Lynne Garner, PhD
President and Trustee