Practically Speaking
Summer 2018

Ask the Trustees

Ask The Trustees


In the series of updates on Donaghue Investigators, I’ve noticed that many of them do work that is different from your current grants. A lot of them are focused on basic biology. Why are you not funding in that area anymore?


You’re right that the earlier Donaghue funding focused on clinical, pre-clinical and basic research. About half of these awards were for research in basic or pre-clinical science.

From its first year of funding in 1992, Donaghue had three programs that funded research in basic, pre-clinical, or clinical work: Postdoctoral Research Fellowships, Research Grants-in-Aid, and New Investigator Grants.

However, after about a decade of making awards, Donaghue considered the challenges of maintaining programs across all types of biomedical and health research. Although we recognize the importance of basic and pre-clinical research, we felt that focusing on research questions that have the potential for near-term impact was the better interpretation for now of Miss Donaghue’s purpose of converting knowledge from research into practical benefit for improving health.