Have You Read Soapbox?

Donaghue’s Soapbox blog offerings perspectives on creating practical benefit through research to improve health. Started last September, it’s a place for the Foundation and its grantees, advisers and colleagues to step up on the soapbox to express their views and share their knowledge related to healthcare innovation, medical research and education, and to address the challenges of putting evidence to action. If you haven’t already, check out these posts at https://donaghue.org/soapbox/.
“Fixing Our Broken Drug Pricing System: Patient Engagement is the Necessary First Step”
Steven Pearson, MD, MSc, Founder and President, Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER)
“Developing a Pathway from Innovation to Impact”
Penny Mohr, MA; Carly Parry, PhD, MSW, MA; Steve Clausen, PhD, MPA – PCORI
“Less is More: Older Patients Can Benefit from De-Prescribing”
Donovan Maust, MD, MS – University of Michigan
“How to Preserve Existing Antibiotics – And Find New Ones”
Kathy Talkington, MPAff – Antibiotic Resistance Project, Pew Charitable Trusts
“Separating New Health News from Clickbait”
Michelle Spoto – DMD, PhD Student, University of Connecticut